Tuesday 29 September 2009

Mock Up.

This is a mock up of my preliminary task front cover. I haven't taken any pictures that I'd like to put in the square box in the middle yet. I would appreciate any feedback on this post. Thanks :)

Friday 25 September 2009

Rachel Waring's AS Foundation Portfolio :]

Welcome to my blog!

In this blog I will be recording all the work I will be doing and have done so far for my AS Media portfolio.

I will updating every few days with more progress so feel free to comment on my work and take part in my polls.

In my preliminary task I will be producing a School magazine cover and contents page, I would be grateful for any feedback that you may have on any of the work that I post on my blog.

In my main task I will be producing a front cover, contents page and a double page spread of a music magazine. I need to take a medium shot, I will take a few and post them to see which one you feel is the best.
